have to say I am very impressed by this board. I used to discuss politics on Mauisun, but the responses I got were from large numbers of closed minded liberals who felt that if I didn't agree with them then I was a racist, a fascist, or an idiot. I started off on this board with a personal blog to constructively vent my personal trials and tribulations. Then I stumbled across this forum. I found myself pleasantly surprised to discover that not only were there conservatives on this boar...
I have to say I am very impressed by this board. I used to discuss politics on Mauisun, but the responses I got were from large numbers of closed minded liberals who felt that if I didn't agree with them then I was a racist, a fascist, or an idiot. I started off on this board with a personal blog to constructively vent my personal trials and tribulations. Then I stumbled across this forum. I found myself pleasantly surprised to discover that not only were there conservatives on this boa...
Ok I feel the need to begin a discussion on social security. Why are democrats so against privatizing it? If the only reason is to maintain government control over that aspect of our lives then I continue to be for privatization. Heres my take: Right now Social Security is slowly, but inevitably, failing. In the third debate between Kerry and Bush this question was raised and Kerry's repsonse was that they would fix it now and then down the road when it became a problem again we woul...
FIrst off I'd like to make it clear that I am not a Republican. I am a conservative who voted Bush for president and Libertarian for everything else. I'd like to weigh in on why I feel Democrats lost, as well as to try to provide direction on how they can stop losing; which they need to do (stop losing that is). I have three reasons that I'd like to posit for all to consider. 1) Democrats no longer represent the people. Liberal idealogies are sound; equality for everyone, assistance fo...