My thoughts on the politics of our times.
why JU rocks
Published on November 5, 2004 By AKHarden In Politics
have to say I am very impressed by this board. I used to discuss politics on Mauisun, but the responses I got were from large numbers of closed minded liberals who felt that if I didn't agree with them then I was a racist, a fascist, or an idiot.

I started off on this board with a personal blog to constructively vent my personal trials and tribulations. Then I stumbled across this forum.

I found myself pleasantly surprised to discover that not only were there conservatives on this board, but also that a large majority of the liberals/democrats/left wingers are willing to actually engage in intellectual and constructive conversation about the issues as opposed to "lets make people with different views feel stupid". I also enjoy the fact that I've seen people that are non-political, independent, Libertarian, Green, and various other political persuasions. Of course there are some individuals here that tend to speak from an uninformed "I feel therefore it is" platform, but they seem to be in the minority.

This board is awesome and I just thought it important to say so. Have a great day everyone!

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